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Mediterranean (9)
Macedonian (56)
American (52)
Arab (2)
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Chineese (7)
Greek (7)
Italian (36)
Mexican (6)
Turkish (12)
Vegeterian (15)
Vegan (16)
Healthy (18)
Bosnian (0)
Француска (1)
Protein (7)
Alcohol (7)
Пијалоци (2)

open restaurants

Self delivery restaurants

Closed restaurants
(only pre-orders available)

Support line 02 3060 200
KlikniJadi is not accepting card payments at the door anymore. Payment with credit card is only available online.

In your profile, under orders, at the end of each order there is an online payment button.

For online payments KlikniJadi charges a small fee of 10 denars.

Имате прашање? Побарајте не на +389 2 3060200

Thank you for your understanding,
KlikniJadi team
Insert new delivery address
*доколку пинот од адресата не е точен, ве молиме подесете го со влечење на мапата.