Delivery time:
30-60 minutes
Tuesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Payment: во готово / онлајн
Min. Order: 400 den. + delivery cost
Arabic meatballs Combo
bread, 4 meatballs, cream, spices, salad, puree, coca cola / fanta 330...
290 den.
Burger Combo
bread, burger, pickles, salad, french fires, sauce, coca cola / fanta ...
290 den.
Chicken Roll Combo
tortilla, chicken steak, salad, french fries, sauces, coca cola / fant...
290 den.
Chicken Combo 450ml
fried chicken fingers, french fries, tartar sauce, coca cola / fanta c...
360 den.
Tortilla Omlette Combo
tortilla, egg, chicken steak, cheese, salad, dressing, broccoli, coca ...
310 den.
Omelett with cow cheese and bread
3 eggs, cow cheese, bread
190 den.
Omelett with cheese, hum and bread
3 eggs, cheese, hum, bread
190 den.
Omelett with vegetables and bread
3 eggs, mixed vegetables and bread
190 den.
"Proja" Corn Flour with cow cheese, aronia, spinach
corn flour, cow cheese, aronia, spinach
100 den.
Fried buns
3 buns, cheese, tomato
170 den.
Scrambled eggs with buns
pepper, tomato, eggs, cheese, bun
190 den.
Falafel from naut
30 den.
Vege sandwich
homemade chrono bread, chickpea burger, zucchini, blue tomato, red tom...
140 den.
Caesar salad
chicken meat, green salad, caesar sauce, croutons
230 den.
Tuna salad
tuna fish, corn, onion, tomato, green salad, croutons
230 den.
Vitamin salad
green salad, cabbage, tomato, cucumber, carrot, beetroot, raphanus, ...
120 den.
Diet salad
сorn, cabbage, apple, carrot, baked sesame, dressing sauce
210 den.
Small vitamin salad
green salad, cabbage, tomato, cucumber, carrot, beetroot, raphanus, ...
80 den.
Small diet salad
сorn, cabbage, apple, carrot, baked sesame, dressing sauce
120 den.
Stuffed peppers with meat
Allergens: gluten
290 den.
Baked Beans
150 den.
Cabbage with pork meat
сabbage, pork meat
280 den.
Chicken with rice and rice
сhicken with rice and salad
290 den.
allergens: gluten, milk, egg
230 den.
Baked potato
110 den.
Fish hake
190 den.
Green bean portion
180 den.
Potato puree
100 den.
Chicken drumstick
сhicken drumstick
220 den.
Peanut delight
chicken steak, cream sauce, peanut butter, baked potatoes, salad
330 den.
Pineapple chicken
chicken steak, pineapple, cream sauce, almond, beetroot risotto, salad
330 den.
Chicken meat, risotto, salad
330 den.
Burger, potato puree, salad
burger, potato puree, salad
290 den.
Fish hake , beans, salad
290 den.
Fish hake with potato pure and salad
290 den.
Staffed bread
cream, egg, pork chops, cheese, supplement micro sprouts
180 den.
Chicken in curry sauce and mushrooms + addition
сhicken steak, mushrooms, hops, spices, bakery potatoes, mixed vegetab...
330 den.
230 den.
Karagorgeva schnitzel
pork curry, kaymak, yellow cheese, mashed potatoes, eggs,bread crumbs...
350 den.
Sandwich with a burger, hot dip and salad
bread, burger, hot dip and seasonal salad
180 den.
Sandwich with chicken steak and salad
bread, chicken steak and seasonal salad
210 den.
30 den.
Fried chicken steak, puree and salad
fried chicken steak, mashed potatoes and seasonal salad
330 den.
Chicken stew
chicken meat, vegetables
190 den.
Lionese schnitzel mashed potato with lettuce
pork schnitzel, bacon,pickles , onions, mashed potato with lettuce
330 den.
Arabic meatballs with rice
мinced beef with sour cream
290 den.
Chicken with quinoa and vegetables
280 den.
Smoked pork sausage
pork, leeks, dry pepper
190 den.
Pastrmka sveza
490 den.
Pork and veal minced meat
150 den.
Chicken steak
Chicken steak
170 den.
"Sharski" chicken steak
сhicken steak, cheese, mushrooms
170 den.
Pork cutlet
Pork cutlet
200 den.
Stuffed chicken
сhicken steak, cheese, mushrooms, cucumber
190 den.
Stuffed burger with vegetables
mixed minced meat, mushrooms, fresh pepper, zucchini, cheese
180 den.
Мinced meatballs
minced home-made meat, yellow cheese, bacon
210 den.
Homemade sausage smoked on wood
pork meat, leeks, dried peppers
260 den.
190 den.
Makalo with dried peppers and potatoes
dried peppers, potatoes
120 den.
Fish hake
150 den.
190 den.
Green beans
170 den.
Risotto with vegetables
110 den.
Zucchini burger ( Vegetable burger)
120 den.
Homemade potato puree
120 den.
Fish stew
180 den.
Vege burger
salad, grilled vegetables, veggie burger from various types of seeds, ...
190 den.
Vegan meal
Vegetable burger, potato puree, mixed vegetable on gril, risotto
290 den.
Vegetable risotto
120 den.
Griled vegetable
broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, carrots, peppers, zucchini, eggplant
210 den.
Vegetable burger
zucchini, carrots, broccoli, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, flour
100 den.
Falafel portion
naut, tomato puree and vitamin salad
180 den.
Arabic meatballs Combo
bread, 4 meatballs, cream, spices, salad, puree
290 den.
Tortilla Omlette Combo
tortilla, egg, chicken steak, cheese, salad, dressing, broccoli, coca ...
310 den.
Chicken Combo
fried chicken fingers, french fries, tartar sauce, coca cola or fanta ...
360 den.
Chicken Roll Combo
tortilla, chicken steak, salad, french fries, sauces, coca cola or fan...
290 den.
Burger Combo
bread, burger, pickles, salad, french fires, sauce, coca cola or fanta...
290 den.
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